Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Battle Roar of Silence - Foucault and The Carceral System

‘The Battle Roar of Silence – Foucault and The Carceral System’ - Meinrad Calleja - Faraxa Publishers

Having read most of Michel Foucault’s works, this book primarily about the carceral system was not singularly influenced by his ‘Discipline and Punish – The Birth of the Penitentiary’. The book is influenced by Foucault’s general system of archaeological and genealogical investigation of discourse, knowledge and power, explicated forcefully and provocatively throughout his works.  This investigation was actually conceived in several stages, both readings related to Foucault, as well as the other topics covered in my text. It was the result of systematic reading concerned with the despotism of power, and the flaws of democracy. It was a text moved by the rapid erosion of human rights and justice. This is a political text.

My readings of Foucault were undertaken in an order that was different to the chronological order Foucault wrote his texts. The Foucault texts I read were written by Foucault in the following chronological order: ‘Madness and Civilisation’, ‘The Birth of the Clinic’, ‘The Order of Things’, ‘The Archaeology of Knowledge’, ‘Discipline and Punish’, and the three volumes of ‘The History of Sexuality’.  I started off reading his ‘Discipline and Punish’, followed by ‘Madness and Civilisation’, the three volumes of ‘The History of Sexuality’, ‘The, Archaeology of Knowledge’, ‘The Order of Things’, and finally, ‘The Birth of the Clinic’, also reading some other texts of his at some point during this reading. The point of this chronological presentation is simply that Foucault’s thought was constantly evolving, and he was regularly revising his own thoughts, as even the changes in various editions of his work illustrate. Thus the order I undertook, quite unintentionally, allowed me to note aspects of this evolution, and the relevance of this change. Having read the above-cited major works, I then ventured to read a number of other French thinkers that either influenced Foucault (like Bachelard, Canguilhem, and Derrida among others), as well as those that were influenced by Foucault (like Badiou, Deleuze, Guattari, and Lyotard). Some years later, I read a number of Foucault ‘readers’ by authors like Gutting, Oliver, and, one of my favourite ‘readings’ (for it corroborated my interpretation and reading), Deleuze.   

Another part of my investigation concerned the philosophy of punishment, including readings on morality, ethics, justice, law, human rights, and carceral systems. Here my search, incidentally via comments Said made about Bachelard, and Derrida about ‘the wisdom of the prison cell’, also explored ‘space’ readings. This led to readings on psychoanalysis, particularly the works of Freud, Fromm, and Marcuse, and the relationships between psychoanalysis and mind. Other subjects like neurology, institutionalisation, cybernetics, media imagery, organised crime dynamics, and political culture were also useful. The relationships of these knowledge-clusters to the carceral system discourse and globalisation illustrated that the spirit of ‘democracy’ was rapidly being eroded by despotic legal systems built upon the very carceral system discourse.  Citizens in various jurisdictions were suffering in silence the consequences of these despotic systems sustained primarily by deception.

‘The Battle Roar of Silence – Foucault and The Carceral System’ actually shows how these despotic forces operate to deny political literacy, consciousness, and the exercise of fundamental human rights. The importance of this book is that it actually highlights the deficiencies and ruthlessness of neo liberalism, and the limits of freedom it imposes. This book shows how freedom is gradually being ‘circled-in’ by ‘governmentality’, that actually structures the plausibility of its logic and discourse through the carceral system. This text is a politically-charged critique of a subtle ideology that has felt comfortable enough to raise its ugly head safe in the knowledge it can despotically oppress simply because the discourse it has created via institutions like the carceral system, can be circulated to recruit consent and constrain contestation, while consumers of this discourse suffer in silence. The accumulated suffering of these citizens has now become ‘The Battle Roar of Silence’. People all over the world are close to reaching their ‘tipping-point’, and many of those who have realised they will only be saved by themselves, have in fact translated their ‘silence’ into a ‘battle roar’ of affirmative action of revolt. These citizens now take to street to battle against vicious riot squads and power hungry despots. Reading ‘The Battle Roar of Silence – Foucault and The Carceral System’ allows readers to understand these complex dynamics. Its also liberates citizens from the constraints of despotic dominance.    

 Meinrad Calleja

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